
Comparison of Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna

In the scriptures, the beautiful lotus feet of Lord Krishna are given various comparisons. In the following article, "Namaste Pankajhangraye", we are presenting to you 12 such comparisons.

वैदिक शास्त्रों में भगवान् कृष्ण के चरण कमलों की तुलना विविध प्रकार वस्तुओं से की गई है . "नमस्ते पङ्कजान्घ्रये" लेख में प्रस्तुत हैं 12 ऐसी सुन्दर उपमाएँ .

Anupama Govinda Dasa

Email : [email protected]

Anupam Govind Dasa is a devoted preacher and passionate advocate of Krishna Consciousness. With an eloquent and captivating oratory style, he skillfully narrates the teachings of Krishna Consciousness, leaving a lasting impact on his listeners. Anupam Govind Dasa's proficiency in public relations further strengthens his ability to connect with individuals and organizations, fostering meaningful relationships. As a prolific writer, he shares insightful articles and personal experiences through his blog, offering readers practical guidance and deep philosophical insights. With his unwavering dedication to spreading the glories of the Holy Name and Krishna Conscious philosophy, Anupam Govind Dasa continues to inspire and guide countless individuals on their spiritual journey, making him an invaluable asset to the Hare Krishna Mandir in Ahmedabad.